How did I fail to anticipate a student would get queasy on Bizarre Human Feat Day?It started with the hairiest family, got worse with the 12mm bulging eyeballs, and sealed the deal with the woman with the most piercings - specifically, the photo where she put her finger through her tongue hole! Poor little chap... he just said, "Um, I'm not gonna look anymore" and put his head in his hands.
In case you're concerned, he recovered. And I'm thinking there was no permanent damage.
Tomorrow is Dream and Scheme Day.
There will be foam tubing and duct tape to make humongous looping marble chutes, and newspapers and tape to make humongous twisting marble chutes; there'll be a huge box of dominoes to make a giant design to topple; there will be Dane's record-high number of Legos to build with; and an abundance of yarn for cat's cradle.
So many kids were fully engaged in learning cat's cradle today! It blew my mind. The World Record is 21,200 cat's cradles made by 3 women in 21 hours. Six kids who'd never picked up a loop of yarn learned today. It was really exciting to see how fully engaged they were, and how many "attempts" they were willing to make. "Attempt" is an awesome word at World Record Camp. It was also exciting to see children teaching each other. It even kept some of the more wound up kids mellower.
Dream and Scheme Day will include lots of kids trying to do their favorite activites, World Record Style; it will also include them brainstorming with me, so we can give ScienceWorks a list of records we think ScienceWorks should host to try to break a world record!
That's all for now. I'm actually feeling some sickness coming on -- I wish I could say it was just because the finger through the tongue grossed me out, but I happen to like that kind of stuff. It's more like a sore throat and earache. Just gotta make it through tomorrow...
ANJ - NO NO NO, DON'T GET SICK!!! I'm sorry you're feeling it - just hang in there for one more day then make yourself rest this weekend. Sounds like things are going so great this week at camp, have a fantastic last day tomorrow:)
Fluids, rest, vit c, rest, fluids...capiche??
Your cuties must be learning SO much! And they sound so excited about it all!
No sickness for you. After this week, you deserve THE WORLD'S HOTTEST BATH, and LONGEST SLEEP, and BEST BREAKFAST.
Funny thing, Anjie, I'm having similar symptoms - sore throat, earache. Am trying to really rest, salt H2O gurgling, Airbornes, throat/cough drops, etc.
So inspiring to see how you've managed/nurtured your SW loooooooooong week. Worth it all to you and your students (campers).
Rest up, get healthy, check for strep.
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