Thursday, May 06, 2010

Sun Letter

The Sun rejected a poem I sent them. It's my third rejection from them in ten years. That's okay, it's just a love letter. And besides, I'll never forget how wonderful it felt the one time they accepted something - so I'll keep flirting.


Christy Raedeke said...

This is just opening you up for that warm acceptance letter you'll soon be getting from Brevity...

anjie said...

Oh, I wish...!

Jennie Englund said...

It's a nice love letter, though: tiny and vanilla-colored.

anjie said...

Yeah, the only thing that would make it better would be vanilla-flavored.

Anonymous said...

My 'amazing memory'
??? comes up with "Sun' publishing much of its works being often dark and depressing. Am I correct?

You just don't write what would appeal to their editors. It's their loss and their readers loss to not be able to enjoy any of your writings.

What did they print of your some eons ago?
When you were in B'Ham? Was it deep and dark???

anjie said...

Hmmm... The Sun definitely publishes some dark and depressing stuff. It occasionally publishes whimsical stuff, too - but whatever they publish is usually thought-provoking and insightful. I published something in the Readers Write section that had to do with the theme "Change of Heart," and it was about a boy I knew in school and the different religions in which we were being raised.