Sunday, December 12, 2010

Sacked Out and Satiated


Sleeping under the Christmas tree used to be one of my favorite things to do. Now my kids feel that way. Here they are, one of the first nights the tree was up. They tucked their favorite Christmas stuffies round the stand and read through all the Christmas books I brought out in the plastic bin.

They love the books in the bin. The books range from funny (Olivia Helps With Christmas) to sentimental (journals they've written in every year for Santa) to old (a cracking Maurice Sendack version of The Nutcracker) to spiritual (The Shoebox, a story of a foster boy) to traditional (Jan Brett's troll and snow stories). I could go on. The books in that bin have been read and re-read every Christmas since the kids were born. There are a lot of reasons to love that box of books.

I recently read The Best Christmas Pageant Ever out loud to my kids. I acted in the "play" version of that book when I was in 3rd grade. It's the story of a ratty obnoxious family of kids, The Herdmans, who take over the church pageant, and, to everyone's surprise, make it mean something more than it's ever meant.

What are your favorite holiday traditions or memories?

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