Aubrey fell asleep last night to visions of the Sugar Plum Fairy dancing in her head.
Yesterday we watched the Nutcracker's mice and soldiers and fairies and flowers dance their sparkly selves across stage. We sat with our first grade friends Makayala and Mia and their moms, Renee and Amy. Afterward, the girls had tickets to the Candy Cane party, where they got special treats and face painting, but, more importantly, autographs and photos of the stars of the show.
1 comment:
Looks like you girls had a special play date!!!
What a superb event you all got to experience.
And to be standing with the real mice dancers, Aubrey. WOW!
Such memories you created with Mia/Amy and Makela/Renee. And, of course, between Aubrey/Anjie.
Much love to ALL of you GIRLS.
Grammy, JJJ & Janice
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