To celebrate Mick's 40th birthday we went out with friends from the dental school, the Bowens, for a day on Lake Berryessa. It was a couple weekends after Labor Day and we had the entire, glassy, sunny lake to ourselves. It was crazy perfect.
Rhonda and Dean were enthusiastic boat owners, generous and fun, and their kids, Bronwyn and Kedrick, were fast friends with Dane and Aubrey. We camped overnight and woke up early to make the most of the day.
Mick rode for the first time since dental school started and was absolutely beaming. The Bowens thought he was a professional. (Mick kind of laughed because he's ridden with real professionals, and even some of his pals up north ride with a little more, shall we say, flair. But, don't get me wrong: he was good!)
In addition to his frontside 180s, his butterslides, his board grabs in the air, and surfing right behind the boat, Mick got an added birthday bonus: he got to DRIVE the boat. The expression on his face for this opportunity alone was one of pure joy.
I wakeboarded for about the third time in my life and the kids each waterskied for the first times in their lives! It was so exciting, and they were really proud of themselves.
The following pictures are in random order; it's kind of a pain to re-order them on blogger. Post a comment if you have a question about a particular photo, though, and I'll be happy to answer it.