Monday, August 16, 2010


The kids are into setting up shop on the sidewalk across the street these days. They've got a big beach umbrella over their heads, an old bench from the front yard as their table, and a stool and a high chair for their seats.

Dane's at "Animate It" camp at ScienceWorks today 'til 1, but Aubrey and Kimmi (neighbor) are selling ears of corn and frozen Otter Pops.

Yesterday it was 95 degrees out and all the neighborhood kids were at the table with Dane and Aubrey, knitting scarves to sell with the warm lemonade.


Anonymous said...

Otterpops. knit scarves and corn on the cob. That in itself is a bevy of products.
How did the sales go?
Did you get a pic, Anjie, of their sidewalk sale?
Hope some customers came along.
What kind of signage did you create, Aubrey (and Dane?)?
Love to hear from you in an answer to this blog, Dane & Aubrey.
Grammy Jan Jan

Anonymous said...

That is just too funny. I am wondering just how the knitting scarves (on a HOT day) went over.
Oh, my. What great kids!