Friday, October 05, 2007


I got a letter in the mail today notifying me of acceptance to the Soapstone Writer's Retreat, with a 2-week residency.

My residency will be January 15-29; I'll work on 'Blue,' the novel I've been writing since Spring.

Check out I get the Wind Room!


Anonymous said...

Woohoo!!! Awesome Anj - this will be a wonderful opportunity for you to rest and write:) I'm very proud of you girl!
Love, K

Anonymous said...

They must have seen stuff they really liked in your application and samples by beating out all that competition. Way to go! The Wind Room: Sounds like that tree house we all stayed in overnight on Dakota and Clay's wedding. Unfortunately, we were too much on the go all weekend for contemplative writing. This should be right for writing.


Anonymous said...

Nice work, Anj! That's awesome!

Ed, Tine, & Little Mac

Anonymous said... are talented, but also showing such determination and discipline. Keep it up. Can't wait to see "Blue" with your name on a book jacket!!
Love, Mom & Don

Anonymous said...

What an honor and breakthrough to focus on your writing. That's more than wonderful.

Anonymous said...

Hey Stiff Neck Netty, long time no hear, see, no nothing. Ed turned me on to you and I am so excited to reconnect. Where have you been all my life?

anjie said...

Well, Antonio Colonio, look what the cat dragged in! Let me know how I can reach you - or, better yet, write me at I can't wait to hear what you're up to these days!