Showing posts with label Break-. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Break-. Show all posts

Sunday, May 09, 2010


Yeah, you read that right. I'm on a new kick: I'm going to start breaking a sweat. Daily.

I don't break a sweat very often any more. I don't belong to a gym, and even though I exercise every day by walking or biking, I can't tell you the last time I had sweat running down my face from a good run, stair climb, or jump rope sesh.

That's just plain lame.

Enter Project Break-A-Sweat: somehow, some way, every day.

I'll let you know how that goes.

For now, I'm going to lie here in bed and wait for breakfast to be served. Mick just returned from some sort of clandestine mission that I think involved buying breakfast groceries.

Can't wait to find out what I'll have to sweat out of my system today.

Happy Mother's Day!

How often do YOU break a sweat? Wanna join me?