Friday, August 19, 2011

They Wore Feathers in their Hair

Aubrey and her pal Ruby got feathers in their hair yesterday.

Then they went swimming at Ruby's grandparents' place -- and didn't want the chlorine to fade their feather colors.

They put on Ruby's Grandma's shower caps.

And they wore them in the pool... for about 5 minutes! Then they decided it was just too much of a hassle for all the goofing off they wanted to do -- and threw them poolside. In case you're worried, the feathers didn't fade, perhaps because it's mostly a saltwater pool with very little chlorine, or perhaps because they're actually magical feathers and they'll never ever go away. Ha!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Vaccinate Vaccinate Vaccinate

Kaliah Dailyn Holly Jeffery
Yesterday a high school friend's niece lost a 26-day-old baby to whooping cough. It's tragic, heartbreaking, and needn't have happened.

Infants can't be immunized for Pertussis -- and all it takes is one cough from an infected unimmunized person and that baby's got the fight of their short little life ahead of them.

I have friends who don't believe in immunizing -- and for unscientific, not very convincing reasons. Quite honestly, they make me furious, and I'm someone who usually tries to respect personal choices. But this life-ending bacterial disease could be wiped out -- like small pox has been (at least in the wild) -- if people wouldn't be so selfish or ignorant. When they choose not to vaccinate their of-age child, they run the risk of ending another life. Wow.

I'm posting this in memory of little Kaliah Jeffery, and thinking of her heartbroken young parents today.

My friend's family is trying to raise money for the grieving parents, and I just found out I can send money to an account to help them pay her medical expenses. I'll be doing that today. Here's the info if you'd like to help, too:
A Wells Fargo account has been opened.

Kash for Kaliah
Routing number: 125008547
account number: 2171652304

You can directly deposit ANY funds from your own bank to Wells Fargo or Wachovia Banks all around the country, or just directly go to the branch.


Tuesday, August 16, 2011


Last night I told Mick I'd killed a couple birds with one stone.

Dane overheard and shouted out, "Wow! Could you teach me to do that?"